Power Tools 1993 October - Disc 2
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Computer News September 15, 1992
Table of Contents
CSO Yellow Pages
HP: The Best Alternative to Mainframe Computing white paper
HP Money$aver direct mailer
CSO/Americas field demo survey results
Worldwide Customer Support Operations Features and Benefits cards
New VAC term: "HP Channel Partner" replaces "VAB"
New HP Document Manager
New Lotus 1-2-3 graphical version
Winning Lean sales tools
Automated Materials Management Helps Ford Electronics Make
Manufacturing Quality Job 1 case study
Mentor Graphics and HP present solution strategies seminars
HP helps Caterpillar with remote services solutions
SSI provides HP-UX to IBM communications
Statewide Distributed Processing for an Academic Data Processing
Consortium case study
ChangeVision for SoftBench video
HP Interface Architect video
EDMS User Forum '92
Financial Services
Lotus Realtime on HP-UX
Financial services sales tools
Open Systems Solutions for Financial Services folder
Leading the Way (Volume V, Issue 3) newsletter
Net Helps Track Parolees reprint
ASK to offer UNIX manufacturing systems
Competitive EDGE (Volume II, Issue 3) newsletter
Office Systems
HP NewWave Mail for OpenMail and DeskManager new release
HP Advanced Image Management System folder
HP OpenMail Release A.01.00 sales tools
HP OpenMail clients of choice strategy
Wholesale/Retail Distribution
HP's Distribution Report
HP's consulting solutions for Taco Bell success story
HP ALLBASE/SQL data sheet
HP 9000
HP 9000 Series 800 High Availability Computing Products data sheet
HP-UX 9.0 Operating System data sheet
DAT data compression support on Series 800
P/N C1521B option 800 discontinuance
HP 3000
Announcing HP SQL for IMAGE
HP EDIT for MPE V and MPE/iX HP 3000 Systems data sheet
HP Corporate Business System price increase
Software license transfer procedures
New HP OmniBack release adds functionality
HP Optical Storage Server SSP menu update
Introducing HP GlancePlus Pak/UX for HP 9000 systems
HP LaserRX/UX enhancements and repricing
New HP Series 6000 SCSI mass storage systems
New upgrade-ready HP Apollo 9000 Series 400 configurations
Localized software versions for workstations
New keyboards for Series 300/400/700 workstations and controllers
New country-specific PC-style keyboards
HP-UX 9.0 FORTRAN products ordering changes
HP Apollo 9000
HP-UX 9.0 products increase performance and ease of use
Model 720 price reduction targets 3D markets
HP SharedPrint/UX for Series 700 workstations
HP ScanJet IIc scanner for Series 700 workstations
Americas Quick Ship Program extended
WKSG Radio special shipment
Domain DN Series discontinuance update
New HP EtherTwist Hub provides easy upgrade path
HP EtherTwist Technical Reference Guide
HP LAN Accessories Catalog
Buy Three, Manage Free HP EtherTwist promotion direct mail flier
HP EtherTwist buy Three, Manage Free promotion
HP NetLS on HP-UX 7.0 discontinuance
Mass Storage
Distributed optical storage management for Domain and HP-UX
High-end HP Asian system line printer
New environmental packaging for HP LaserJet printer type products
HP LaserJet printer bitmapped soft fonts discontinuance
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
2;General News
CSO Yellow Pages
CSO Yellow Pages
Vickie Hendricks
P7A.tif (Graphic)
Audience: SF 40
Format: 50 pages, 8-1/2 by 11 inches, black and yellow
P/N: 5091-5250EUS
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: via SalesLink
Piece is a guide to sales and marketing information sources
for the Computer Systems Organization field. Reference
sources include information that is available via audiotape,
database, fax, HP Desk, MS-DOS CD, print media, and
telephone. Information is listed by subject with cross
MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;General News
HP: The Best Alternative to Mainframe Computing white paper
HP: The Best Alternative to Mainframe Computing white
Robert Winter/CSO
P7B.tif (Graphic)
Audience: CIOs, MIS vice presidents and directors, DP
Format: 21 pages, 8-1/2 by 11 inches
P/N: 5091-4449E
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center and HP
Distribution: none
Piece discusses new demands being made upon the traditional
mainframe environment. It describes a step-by-step process
of moving away from mainframes and the financial
justification and payoff in implementing that strategy.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;General News
HP Money$aver direct mailer
HP Money$aver direct mailer
Sandrine Chaumette/DMO
For the U.S. only
P7C.tif (Graphic)
Audience: C-level and small accounts
Format: four pages, 10 by 16 inches, two color
P/N: 5091-5275EUS
Availability: call 800-637-7740 extension 7101, specify
part number
Distribution: sent to approximately 17,000 HP installed-
base customers (primarily telesales)
September mailer features refurbished HP 3000 Model 922LX
computer systems, which are up to 75 percent off new list.
Piece also contains information on new end-of-life disk and
tape drives. Customers can order these and other products
by calling the 800 number. You receive quota credit and
commission for HP DIRECT orders.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;General News
CSO/Americas field demo survey results
CSO/Americas field demo survey results
Don Taylor/CSO
For the U.S. and Canada only
A Computer Systems Organization (CSO) demonstration (demo)
needs survey was distributed to a group of North American
Field Organization sales personnel in July. The survey
focused on six major demo topics: methods used to delivered
demos, customer presentation organizational level, industry
focus, demo positioning in the sales cycle, value estimates
of demos as part of making a sale, and field demo capability
requirements. Survey response was over 50 percent out of
1,200. Returned surveys had suggestions on demo programs,
product availability, and consignment process improvements.
For more information
For a 14-page document highlighting survey results send name
and complete address via fax 408-447-7725 or mail to Demo
Survey Results, MS 46LA, 19091 Pruneridge Avenue, Cupertino,
California 95014.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Customer Support
Worldwide Customer Support Operations Features and Benefits
Worldwide Customer Support Operations Features and Benefits
Susan Seaburg/WCSO
For the U.S. and Canada only
Audience: Americas Systems Support, field and response
center CEs; internal use only
Format: 10 tab cards, 5-3/4 by 8-1/4 inches, handbook size
(not hole punched)
P/N: 5091-5253EUS
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: sent to CSMMs, Americas field and response
center CEs
Cards highlight features, advantages, and benefits of HP's
top ten nontraditional support offerings. Cards can be
customized to your specific brand of daily agenda. Although
the service names will change this fall, the deliverables
will remain the same.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;HP Channel Partners
New VAC term: "HP Channel Partner" replaces "VAB"
New VAC term: "HP Channel Partner" replaces "VAB"
Marcia Nowicky/Americas VAC Marketing Center
Americas Value-Added Channel (VAC) Marketing Center is
introducing a new term to refer to value-added businesses
(VABs). Corporate Legal and the Computer Systems
Organization (CSO) VAC Management Council have approved "HP
Channel Partner" as the replacement term for "VAB."
The change underscores how HP's strategic commitment to
indirect channels marketing is continually evolving. HP
coined "VAB" several years ago to collectively describe
companies that resell or leverage sales of HP computer
systems products. The term was created to connote a more
strategic relationship than the term "third party" implies.
Since then HP's focus on alternate channels has become even
stronger, creating an internal need for VAC terminology that
better reflects this increased strategic focus.
There are also external needs for this change. HP's use of
the word "partner" is in keeping with competitive trends in
the industry to refer to leveragers and resellers as
Now you may refer to any company that has signed a CSO
channel contract or catalog agreement as an HP Channel
Partner. Current CSO indirect distribution channels
certified workstation reseller (CWR); includes franchisor
and franchisee
complementary vendor (CV)
distributor authorized reseller (DAR)
independent software vendor (ISV, formerly software supplier
original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
systems integrator (SI)
value-added reseller (VAR)
master VAR
The nomenclature change is effective immediately within CSO
Americas and may be leveraged worldwide where appropriate.
Check with your local legal and VAC management regarding
non-English terminology recommended for use outside the U.S.
You may start transitioning this new term into internal and external
marketing communications efforts whenever you undertake new projects.
Before you begin, be sure that you
fully understand and follow the terminology guidelines.
Strict adherence to the guidelines, which have been approved
by Corporate Legal, will ensure that HP's use of the word
"partner" will not be legally misconstrued.
HP Channel Partner terminology usage guidelines
Use "HP Channel Partner" as a replacement term for "VAB"--
"HP Channel Partner" is the preferred term to use when
individually or collectively referring to companies that
leverage or resell HP products. Channel Partners include
CWRs, CVs, distributors, DARs, ISVs, OEMs, SIs, VARs, and
master VARs.
use: Channel Partner
do not use: value-added business, VAB, third party
Always use initial capital letters--"HP Channel Partner" is
a proper noun; always capitalize the first letter of each
use: HP Channel Partner, Channel Partner
do not use: HP channel partner, channel partner
Never drop the word "Channel"--You may drop the "HP" after
the first time you use the phrase "HP Channel Partner," but
always include the word "Channel" as part of the phrase.
use: HP Channel Partner, Channel Partner, workstation
Channel Partner
do not use: Partner, HP Partner, Workstation Partner
Do not mix other channel terms with "Channel Partner"--
"Channel Partner" is a standalone term. It should not be
combined with any other channel descriptors such as "value-
added," "third-party," "ISV," or "VAR."
do not use: Value-Added Channel Partner, VAB Channel
Partner, Third-Party Channel Partner, ISV (or VAR, OEM, and
so forth) Channel Partner
Do not use an abbreviation for Channel Partner to external
audiences--There is no officially approved abbreviation for
"HP Channel Partner," although some entities have begun to
use CP or CPs. This is acceptable internally but should not
be used in external communications.
external use: HP Channel Partner (no abbreviations)
internal use: CP
Be careful not to suggest that HP's use of the term "HP
Channel Partner" implies any actual legal partnership or
sharing of management responsibilities between HP and its
Channel Partners.
For more information
Contact Marcia Nowicky at 408 or Telnet 447-1218.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
New HP Document Manager
New HP Document Manager
George Ferguson/CCSY
Product name and P/Ns: HP Document Manager, P/Ns B3109A and
Description: tool for knowledge and clerical workers that
provides for easy storage and retrieval of all types of
shared and unshared PC documents including word processing
documents, spreadsheets, graphics, and images; includes
capabilities for version control, automatic archiving, and
security control
Target market: large and medium-sized companies with LAN-
based PCs needing to share PC data, especially organizations
that maintain large volumes of documents such as
pharmaceutical companies, financial and legal firms, and
Features and benefits
attribute-based retrieval--allows documents to be retrieved
on over 40 standard and administrator-defined attributes
(such as author, date created, document type, department)
and up to 50 user-defined key words per document; helps
users find and retrieve documents without knowing file, directory, and
server names
support for any PC document--works with any application in
use on PCs, whether it stores data as DOS, or Microsoft Windows files,
or HP NewWave objects
document version control--maintains version control to
protect against accidental document loss and provide an
audit trail for change control purposes
automatic archiving--archives old document versions or
infrequently accessed documents to tape or optical storage
lowering storage costs by use of low-cost storage media
system administration--provides extensive document security
through access control lists and high availability through support of
online system backups; helps MIS provide glass-house security and
availability to PC data
Product line positioning
HP Document Manager is part of the Knowledge Worker Solution
of the newly announced HP Cooperative Computing Solutions.
Competitive positioning
HP Document Manager meets market demands and has few competitors. A
full discussion on competitive products is available on the CCSY
Hotline/HPG200, subject DTMSDMCP.
Success stories
The Saros Mezzanine document management engine, on which HP Document
Manager is based, has OS/2 installations at major beverage, software,
and financial companies.
Ordering information
| U.S. list |
| P/N Description price |
| B3109A HP Document Manager single user license |
| Opt. UDN 1-24 users $600/user |
| Opt. UDP 25-49 users 550/user |
| Opt. UDR 50-99 users 500/user |
| Opt. UDT 100+ users 485/user |
| Opt. AG6 MS Windows users 0 |
| Opt. AG7 HP NewWave users 0 |
| B3110A HP Document Manager media, administration |
| and user manuals |
| Opt. AAU CD-ROM 400 |
| Opt. AAH DAT 650 |
| B3110-90008 Additional user manuals for MS Windows |
| B3110-90009 Additional user manuals for HP NewWave |
Full SSP is available in the September HP 9000 Series
800 price guide, pages 119-121.
Although not required, customers should purchase consulting and
training with the product. Quota and commission are
available for Knowledge Worker Solution--Consulting and
Training, P/N H2435A.
HP NewWave interface will be made available only to a
limited number of accounts until January 1993, at which time
it will become generally available.
Product shipments begin in mid-September.
For more information
If you have additional questions contact the Sales Response
Center: in Europe call 33-76625535 or Telnet 779-5535; in
Asia Pacific, 65-2792323; in North and South America, 408 or
Telnet 447-4444. Refer to the HP Cooperative Computing
Solutions sales guide, P/N 5091-5659E. For a full list of
detailed articles access the CCSY Hotline, subject
Microsoft is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
New Lotus 1-2-3 graphical version
New Lotus 1-2-3 graphical version
Chris Woodward/U.S. Marketing Center
P10.tif (Graphic)
Product name: Lotus 1-2-3 for UNIX Version 1.2
Description: newest UNIX system version of the spreadsheet
that provides support for OSF/Motif Window Manager, improved
access to databases from Informix and Sybase, and a new
class of licenses for character terminal users; is fully
compatible with all releases of Lotus 1-2-3
Target market: commercial or technical customers
Features and benefits
Version 1.2 supports the OSF/Motif graphical user interface that
offers mouse support, icons, scrollbars, and pull-down menus
for one-step access to 1-2-3 commands. A SmartIcon palette
allows users to customize icons for quick access to
frequently used commands. The OSF/Motif features provide
users with graphical tools for managing UNIX systems such as
multiple sessions, moving and resizing 1-2-3 windows, and
creating spreadsheet models whose size and complexity are
limited only by system resources.
The Informix Sybase DataLens drivers included in Version 1.2
provide users access to data stored in the databases.
Familiar 1-2-3 commands give users access to database
information for analysis, manipulation, and storage.
Version 1.2 includes a C add-in tool kit that allows users
to create their own custom @functions, interface to other
software packages, or develop entire applications using C programming
language. Version 1.2 features a new node license for character
terminals attached to a central host workstation. Users of
this license will access the Lotus 1-2-3 Classic character-based menu.
Competitive positioning
Lotus 1-2-3 is a good lead-in when competing against PCs or
integrating into PC environments. It complements sales of
additional hardware into traditional workstation sites.
Ordering information
| Description U.S. list price |
| Media edition $ 695 |
| Additional workstation node edition 695 |
| Workstation node 5 pack 3,295 |
| Character terminal node 295 |
| Character terminal node 5 pack 1,250 |
| Character terminal node 25 pack 4,525 |
Version 1.2 is available through authorized Lotus UNIX
system resellers including Ingram Micro, Merisel, Access
Graphics, and Dickens Data.
International English and German versions will be available.
For more information
Contact Lotus Inside Sales at 617-693-8049 or Chris Woodward
at 508-436-5032 or via fax 508-436-5120.
Lotus 1-2-3 is a U.S. registered trademark of Lotus
Development Corporation.
UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories Inc. in the
U.S.A. and other countries.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
Winning Lean sales tools
Winning Lean sales tools
Linda Clark/CSO
Audience: sales reps who call on automotive/heavy equipment
Winning Lean video
Format: two hours videotape
P/N: S-1894
Availability: from HP-TV
Distribution: none
Videotape covers Dr. James P. Womack's June 25 presentation
in Oakbrook, Illinois, on lean production in the automotive
industry. Dr. Womack, co-author of The Machine That
Changed the World, describes the power of lean production
from the standpoint of North American OEMs, traditional
North American suppliers, Japanese OEMs, and Japanese
suppliers in North America. It includes a question-and-
answer session.
Winning Lean slide booklet
Format: 30 pages
P/N: 5091-5067E
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: none
Booklet contains hard copies of the slides used by Dr.
Womack in the Winning Lean presentation.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
Automated Materials Management Helps Ford Electronics Make
Manufacturing Quality Job 1 case study
Automated Materials Management Helps Ford Electronics Make
Manufacturing Quality Job 1 case study
Linda Clark/CSO
P11.tif (Graphic)
Audience: business operations and IT managers
Format: six pages, two color
P/N: 5091-3290E
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: none
Case study relates how Ford's North Pennsylvania electronics
plant in Lansdale uses several HP 9000s, HP terminals,
Oracle, and staff-written software to manage workcells and
plantwide inventory systems. Piece describes how Ford moved
to the 700,000-square-foot site, a world-class facility in
its Automotive Components Group with whom HP began a
comprehensive CIM alliance in 1990, and improved inventory accuracy and
just-in-time materials management.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
Mentor Graphics and HP present solution strategies seminars
Mentor Graphics and HP present solution strategies
John Hettrick/WSBU
For the U.S. and Canada only
Mentor Graphics and HP are sponsoring a series of seven
seminars in twenty-one cities in the U.S. and Canada. The
seminar series focuses on the EDA market and helping
potential customer overcome difficult design issues such as
delivering lower costs and higher quality while increasing
design complexity and delivering products in a shorter time.
Seminar topics
multichip modules--improve packaging density and system
high-speed PCB design--sharpen high-performance design
advanced IC design--span the gap from language to layout
EDA library management--gain speed, quality, and cost
reduction with library management
board and system-level simulation--achieve success with
board and system-level simulations
Domain to HP-UX migration--master steps to successful
digital signal processing design--explore tools and
implementation paths
Not all seminars are scheduled for all cities. A seminar
schedule is available on the Workstation Group Hotline,
subject MEMSEM.
For more information
Call 800-547-3002 toll free from the U.S. and Canada or 503-
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
HP helps Caterpillar with remote services solutions
HP helps Caterpillar with remote services solutions
Deborah Hill/ISD
Company: Caterpillar Inc. (CAT)
Industry: heavy equipment manufacturing
Application: field service
System sold: HP TestBook
Total sale: $15 million
Competition: laptop PCs
Length of sales cycle: 18 months
Sales rep, office, phone: Rob Chomko, Naperville, Illinois,
Selling points
Key factors were the HP product's ruggedness, portability, built-in CD-
ROM, and integrated tester features.
Integrated Systems Division (ISD) and CAT developed the
CAT Service Information System (SIS), which provides service
technicians with instant electronic access to hundreds of
thousands of pages of service information. SIS will allow
more accurate parts identification and faster, less
expensive service and repair.
CAT SIS resulted from a two-year development project between
CAT's Technical Information Division and ISD. The objective of the
HP/CAT project was to create a paperless, portable diagnostic tool for
CAT dealer repair technicians and parts counter
personnel. ISD's technical expertise was key in the development of the
project. HP won the deal over several other bids. CAT found HP's
solution to be the only product with technical
information, including text and graphics, and
computer-guided diagnostics.
SIS, which includes the HP TestBook portable tester and
electronic book system, allows CAT service technicians to go
where CAT earth-moving equipment is used--even in remote
locations--with the latest service information and
diagnostic procedures available by electronic access. SIS
allows service technicians to quickly diagnose and repair
machine problems. SIS has replaced repair manuals.
For more information
See "HP TestBook service tools" in the March 1 Computer
News. HP TestBook brochure, P/N 5091-3038E, HP TestBook
data sheet, P/N 5091-2552E, and HP Service Information
System data sheet, P/N 5091-3923E, are available from the
Literature Distribution Center. For U.S.
automotive/transportation applications information, contact
Steve Majerick at 412 or Telnet 782-0288; all other U.S. applications,
Bob Greenfield at 408 or Telnet 746-5366; Asia Pacific applications,
Dilip Modi at 408 or Telnet 746-5508; Europe automotive
applications, Dirk Walter at 07031-14-2666; and all other European
applications, Alan Stimson at 011-44-21-745-8800.
Customers mentioned in this article should not be contacted
directly. For more information about the customer or sale,
contact the HP sales rep responsible for the account or the
contact name given in the article.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
SSI provides HP-UX to IBM communications
SSI provides HP-UX to IBM communications
Len Giacose/ESR
For the U.S. only
Company: US West
Application: trouble ticket administration
HP Channel Partner: Systems Strategies (SSI)
Systems sold: 17 HP Apollo 9000 Model 750s, 4 Model 720s, and 120
700/RX stations
Total sales: $2 million
Competition: Sun Microsystems, DEC/MIPS
Length of sales cycle: six months
Sales rep, office, phone: Bob Richardson, Englewood,
Colorado, 303 or Telnet 649-5293
Selling points
With HP hardware and SSI EXPRESS communications software, US
West reps have local access to the company's IBM mainframe-
based trouble ticket system. As a result service reps using
multiple windows can easily track different inquiries or the
progress of a single inquiry from their desktops. This
allows for faster, more efficient response to residential or
business service calls.
Selling points included price/performance versus the
competition, strength of the customer/supplier relationship,
and the availability of SSI's proven communications products on the HP
For more information
Contact Bob Richardson at 303-649-5293 or Len Giacose, HP-
Channel Partner SR, at 201 or Telnet 599-5248.
Customers mentioned in this article should not be contacted
directly. For more information about the customer or sale,
contact the HP sales rep responsible for the account or the
contact name given in the article.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
Statewide Distributed Processing for an Academic Data
Processing Consortium case study
Statewide Distributed Processing for an Academic Data
Processing Consortium case study
Linda Clark/CSO
P13.tif (Graphic)
Audience: MIS directors, CIOs, presidents, technology vice presidents
Format: eight pages, two color, includes photos
P/N: 5091-3554E
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: none
Case study relates how the Communications Technology Center,
a Washington state consortium of community colleges, moved to a
distributed computing solution based on HP 3000 computers and Vectra PCs
after the limitations of its
initial mainframe-based implementation became evident.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
ChangeVision for SoftBench video
ChangeVision for SoftBench video
Jim Borchert/SESD
This video, described in "New HP SynerVision, ChangeVision,
and Knowledge products sales tools" in the July 15 Computer
News, was previously available only from Software
Engineering Systems Division. It can now be ordered in any
format from HP-TV.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
HP Interface Architect video
HP Interface Architect video
Diane Dennis/SESD
Audience: project managers, technical evaluators
Format: 15 minutes, VHS or 3/4-inch tape size, NTSC, PAL,
P/N: S-1898
Availability: from HP-TV (send HP Desk message with
quantity, tape size, tape format, and shipping address
information to Carol Grant)
Distribution: none
Video gives a two-part presentation on HP Interface
Architect 2.0, HP's version of Visual Edge's UIM/X Graphical
User Interface (GUI) Builder. Part one is a four-minute
marketing overview of the GUI builder market and HP
Interface Architect. Part two is an HP Interface Architect
technical demo.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
EDMS User Forum '92
EDMS User Forum '92
Marvel O'Connor/MDD
Engineering Data Management System (EDMS) User Forum '92, at
the Loews Anatole in Dallas, Texas, September 15-17, is
intended to substantially advance the EDMS knowledge of the
attending teams. The key focus will be cutting time from
EDMS' costly and long evaluative, buying, and implementation
cycles. There will be installed user experiences tappable
in open forum focused for the processing, utilities, and
engineering, design, and manufacturing industries. Sessions
cover open architecture, EDMS and datacommunications,
concurrent engineering, electronic signature, and systems
Mechanical Design Division will present a session at the
forum entitled "HP and its Role in the EDMS Marketplace."
The session will focus on HP's next generation data and
workflow management solution, HP Precision
Engineering/WorkManager. Mike Buzzel from M/A-COM and Scott
Benson from Networked Computer Manufacturing Operation will
make presentations on how their organizations have
implemented HP PE/WorkManager. HP will host an HP
PE/WorkManager demo for key and potential customers.
For more information
Contact Jim Gutowski at 303 or Telnet 229-4847.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
3;Financial Solutions
Lotus Realtime on HP-UX
Lotus Realtime on HP-UX
Chris Woodward/U.S. Marketing Center
P15A.tif (Graphic)
Product name: Lotus Realtime
Description: software product that transforms Lotus 1-2-3
into a high-performance, real-time analytical tool that
enables users to analyze markets and spot trends more
quickly and effectively
Target market: financial and other markets where real-time
data gathering and analysis are important; traders, analysts,
and portfolio managers who must often make business-critical
decisions in seconds
Features and benefits
Lotus Realtime is based on a client/server architecture that
allows flexibility in system configuration. Customers can
choose the computing solution that best meets their needs,
whether it be a workstation-based system with single users
running 1-2-3 and Lotus Realtime locally or a server-based
system with Lotus Realtime and 1-2-3 supporting a network of
workstations and X terminals.
Lotus Realtime brings multiple sources of real-time market
data into a single 1-2-3 worksheet, eliminating the need to
enter data into 1-2-3 by hand. To perform customer analysis
according to personal modeling strategies, Lotus Realtime
enables you to combine your choice of real-time market data
and work with it using a familiar application, Lotus 1-2-3.
Lotus Realtime consists of three components: Lotus 1-2-3,
the Lotus Realtime Engine, and feed servers. 1-2-3 receives
data in real time from the Lotus Realtime Engine. The
Realtime Engine controls the flow of data into 1-2-3 from as
many as 16 feed servers. Feed servers are programs
developed by third parties that collect real-time market
data from a data feed and convert data into a common format
for delivery to the Realtime Engine.
Ordering information
Lotus Realtime U.S. list price is $1,150 per user. Lotus 1-
2-3, which lists for $695, is required. Lotus Realtime and Lotus 1-2-3
can be purchased together for $1,660. Lotus
Realtime demo copies are available.
For more information
Contact Stacey Owens, Lotus New York, at 212-709-0544 or
Chris Woodward at 508-436-5032 or via fax at 508 or Telnet 436-5120.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
3;Financial Solutions
Financial services sales tools
Financial services sales tools
Linda Clark/CSO
Audience: executives and middle managers of banking
operations and business managers
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: none
Teknekron Selected for RBC Trading Room Project reprint
P15B.tif (Graphic)
Format: one page, two color
P/N: 5091-5178E
Reprint from Trading Systems Technology describes Royal Bank of Canada's
selection of HP and Teknekron Software System Inc. to provide its
treasury trading room solution. Piece states that HP
9000 Model 360 computers will host the Teknekron Information Bus
workstation- based information architecture.
SIA Implements Advanced OSI Network success story
P16A.tif (Graphic)
Format: two pages, two color
P/N: 5091-5177E
Success story describes how the Societa Interbancaria per
L'Automazione (SIA) replaced its IBM Series One systems with
several HP 9000 Series 800s to create one of the most advanced OSI
networks. Piece describes how the Italian
banking community now shares the advantages of a single
network to handle all of its settlements, funds transfers,
and interbank payments.
Kredietbank Selects Platform for New Retail Banking Strategy
success story
P16B.tif (Graphic)
Format: two pages, two color
P/N: 5091-5176E
Success story describes Kredietbank's choice of HP as its IT
partner. Piece outlines Kredietbank's key selection
factors: HP's open systems architecture, cost, and
scalability. Piece states that Kredietbank, as one of
Belgium's largest banking and financial institutions, will
be able to add new banking products and services supported
by applications running on the HP platform across its retail
branch network.
Major New Network Implemented by Fuji Bank success story
P16C.tif (Graphic)
Format: two pages, two color
P/N: 5091-5175E
Success story describes Fuji Bank's choice of HP as its
chief supplier and architect of an open systems-based
computer network valued at more than $7 million for use at
Fuji Bank headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. Piece states that the system
includes HP 9000 Series 800s, 700/X stations, and software/networking
equipment and services.
Insurer selects HP Servers success story
P16D.tif (Graphic)
Format: two pages, two color
P/N: 5091-5174E
Success story, reprinted from UNIX Today!, reports that Northwestern
Mutual Life Insurance placed its database of three million policyholders
on a network of 115 HP 9000 Series 800s linked to PCs
and an IBM mainframe. Piece states that the HP business servers are
connected to headquarters by a backbone network of 12 Northern Telecom
DPN-100 digital data packet networking systems.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
3;Financial Solutions
Open Systems Solutions for Financial Services folder
Open Systems Solutions for Financial Services folder
Linda Clark/CSO
P16E.tif (Graphic)
Audience: sales reps who present financial services
Format: white folder with two pockets
P/N: 5091-5173E
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: none
Folder is designed to present literature to HP's financial
services customers and prospects.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
Leading the Way (Volume V, Issue 3) newsletter
Leading the Way (Volume V, Issue 3) newsletter
Linda Clark/CSO
P17A.tif (Graphic)
For the U.S. and Canada only
Audience: state/local government mid- and upper-level
managers; elected officials
Format: eight pages, two color
P/N: 5091-5097EUS
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: through ELM and FAIM databases
Newsletter presents practical examples of interoperability
on the state and local government level in two short case
stories. The stories describe how Roseville, California,
linked offices in 14 buildings and how LOGICS provides
information services for 20 Minnesota cities. Piece
features is Metropolitan Toronto, Canada Reference Library's
integration of information functions through downsizing to
VTLS and HP.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
Net Helps Track Parolees reprint
Net Helps Track Parolees reprint
Linda Clark/CSO
P17B.tif (Graphic)
Audience: state/county correction department
directors/MIS directors
Format: one page, two color
P/N: 5091-5352E
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: none
Reprint from Communications Week, April 20, reports that the
California Department of Corrections (CDC) has installed HP
3000 and 9000 computers running Oracle's relational database
management system at 13 of the 80 CDC sites to help parole
officers track and exchange parolee information. Article
describes how one new site is added to the network each week
with completion expected by September 1993.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
ASK to offer UNIX manufacturing systems
ASK to offer UNIX manufacturing systems
Laura Cornish/NSR
Product: MANMAN/X
Description: addition to ASK Computer Systems' product
suite that combines the company's high-quality products and
services with the UNIX systems support that customers are
currently specifying and supports manufacturing methods including make
to stock, assemble to order, manufacturing to order, and engineering to
Target market: Discrete/JIT, Jobshop, and manufacturers
with distribution
ASK, the leading supplier of manufacturing business
management systems for the HP MPE operating system, has
announced the MANMAN/X product line for the UNIX systems market.
Features and benefits
MANMAN/X offers an open, highly customizable modular
architecture with tools and a rules-based configurator. MANMAN/X's
initial options will include the INGRES
Intelligent Database running on HP-UX. ASK will expand the number of
databases supported, including HP ALLBASE/SQL in March 1993. ASK will
offer German (fall 1993), French (fall 1993), Spanish
(March 1993), and Asian (September 1993) language versions.
MANMAN/X will also be available on HP MPE/iX in March 1993.
Migration tools and services will be provided in 1993 to
migrate current MANMAN/HP customers to MANMAN/X. ASK and HP
are continuing to work together to migrate HP MPE V
installed-base customers to MPE/iX to allow flexibility to
move to MANMAN/X. ASK field offices are demonstrating on HP Apollo 9000
Model 710 and a MANMAN/X demo will be available in HP IDEA! Rooms this
For more information
Contact your local ASK promoter rep: in Eastern and
Southern call Marty Waters at 617 or Telnet 221-5155; in the
Midwest, Ted Takasaki at 708 or Telnet 255-2472; in Neely, John Kemper
at 415 or Telnet 694-3605.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
Competitive EDGE (Volume II, Issue 3) newsletter
Competitive EDGE (Volume II, Issue 3) newsletter
Linda Clark/CSO
P18.tif (Graphic)
Audience: process and discrete manufacturing
executives/middle managers
Format: eight pages, two color
P/N: 5091-5098E
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: through ELM and FAIM databases
Newsletter discusses reengineering business processes and
practices. Business reengineering authority Dr. Michael
Hammer is the featured consultant. HP's order fulfillment
process and Douglas Aircraft's paperwork process are
presented as examples where reengineering practices are
providing a competitive edge.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
3;Office Systems
HP NewWave Mail for OpenMail and DeskManager new release
HP NewWave Mail for OpenMail and DeskManager new release
Samantha Dillistone/PWD
Product names and P/Ns: HP NewWave Mail for DeskManager
Version A.04.00, HP NewWave Mail for OpenMail Version
A.03.10; see text for P/Ns
Description: PC-based electronic mailing system, based on
Pinewood Information Systems Division client/server
computing model, that allows users to connect to an HP
DeskManager of OpenMail server
Target market: MS Windows 3.1 and HP NewWave 4.0 users
HP NewWave Mail provides in- and out tray icons on the NewWave desktop.
Outgoing messages are dragged and dropped onto the out tray where the
user is prompted for a distribution list before
mailing the message. Incoming
messages are downloaded from the server into the intray
controlled by a customizable message filter. The filter
specifies the type of messages that should be downloaded and
where and how the loading should take place.
Features and benefits
shared workstation--allows users to share workstations and
still have their own personal HP NewWave environment
traveling user--allows access to electronic mail from any
location in the network
server filing--allows direct access from HP NewWave Mail to
filing cabinet provided with HP DeskManager
acknowledgements to same level as HP DeskManager--enables
users to track the message progress
user interface changes--enhance product usability
MS Windows 3.1 and HP NewWave 4.0 support
Ordering information
| P/N Description |
| HP NewWave Mail for DeskManager products |
| D2103D Full product (1) |
| D2113D User certificate (1) |
| D2103-60009 Upgrade (2) |
| D2103-15006 Return disk 1, 5-1/4-inch |
| D2103-13006 Return disk 1, 3-1/2-inch |
| D2433D User certificate upgrade |
| HP NewWave Mail for HP OpenMail products |
| D2109C Full product (1) |
| D2119C User certificate (1) |
| D2109-60002 Upgrade (2) |
| D2109-15001 Return disk 1, 5-1/4-inch |
| D2109-13001 Return disk 1, 3-1/2-inch |
| D2439C User certificate upgrade |
(1) Both products are supplied on both 5-1/4- and 3-1/2-inch disks.
(2) Single-user upgrades are available from Complementary Products
Sunnyvale or HP DIRECT in each country. To upgrade, users should order
the specific part number and return disk 1 from the old
product. The returned disk may be of either media.
Product shipments will begin October 15.
The following documentation is supplied with HP NewWave
Mail: HP NewWave Mail Quick Start Wheel, P/N D2103-90000;
HP NewWave Mail Technical Guide, P/N D2103-90010.
The product and documentation are available via the
following subscription services: 5062-9289, 5955-9887,
5955-9885, 5955-9888, 5955-9886, 5955-9889, 5062-9288.
For more information
Access the PWD Hotline, subject NWMPSP, for the product support plan.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
3;Office Systems
HP Advanced Image Management System folder
HP Advanced Image Management System folder
Louise Tomkins/PWD
P19A.tif (Graphic)
Audience: sales force, customers, dealers
Format: blue, black, and white folder with eight data sheet
P/N: 5091-3712E
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: none
Folder contains data sheets that describe various components
of the HP Advanced Image Management System (HP AIMS). Each
data sheet lists HP AIMS benefits and installation
specifications. The sheets include details about HP AIMS
standard development and run-time library software and
Advanced Image processor card and software. One data sheet
highlights the features of HP AIMS integration with
AdvanceLink and the IBM 3270. Pieces contain information on
HP AIMS DataManager, MediaManager, Jukebox Manager, Print
Server, and Fax Server software.
For more information
Contact Louise Tomkins/HP1600 via HP Desk.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
3;Office Systems
HP OpenMail Release A.01.00 sales tools
HP OpenMail Release A.01.00 sales tools
Louise Tomkins/PWD
Audience: sales force, customers, dealers
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: none
These two documents together replace HP OpenMail Information
Distribution Services for HP 9000 Systems, P/N 5952-3578E.
HP OpenMail Atlantic Release A.01.00 product brief
P19B.tif (Graphic)
Format: six pages, black and white
P/N: 5091-5149E
Brief highlights key features, benefits, and functionality.
It gives details of the supported X.400 addressing and
messaging features.
HP OpenMail Atlantic Release, A.01.00, for HP-UX data
P19C.tif (Graphic)
Format: six-sided fold out, black and white
P/N: 5091-5150E
Piece lists key benefits and details client/server
requirements. It contains information on support and
education for HP OpenMail and ordering requirements.
For more information
Contact Louise Tomkins via HP Desk or at 44-344-763184
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
3;Office Systems
HP OpenMail clients of choice strategy
HP OpenMail clients of choice strategy
Debra Thompson/PWD
HP OpenMail is pursuing an open, standards-based
strategy to meet customer needs for integration into
multivendor, client/server computing environments. HP OpenMail, a
native X.400, standards-based messaging system, provides user and
administrator functionality at one of the lowest overall costs
of ownership in the industry.
HP OpenMail will support leading APIs such as MAPI
(Microsoft's messaging API) and VIM (Vendor Independent
Messaging), which will enable customers to have a choice in
messaging clients and applications. Developments with Microsoft, Lotus
cc:Mail, and Clarity will allow the MS Mail 3.0 Windows client, the
cc:Mail Windows client, and Clarity
Rapport to run as native clients with HP OpenMail. Customers can have
access to a standards-based messaging backbone from HP along with a
choice of leading client user interfaces. HP OpenMail
will help eliminate e-mail gateways that have proliferated throughout
large corporate mailing environments, and it will help lower the support
and administration costs involved with LanMail
For more information
Access the PWD Hotline, subject TPOVMI for Microsoft
overview and slide set, TPOVLO for Lotus overview and slide
set, TPCOC for clients of choice strategy, TPOMLM for HP
OpenMail versus LanMail, and TPRESS for press releases.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
3;Wholesale/Retail Distribution
HP's Distribution Report
HP's Distribution Report
Linda Clark/CSO
20A.tif (Graphic)
Audience: wholesale distribution industry executives and
middle managers
Format: eight pages, two color
P/N: 5091-4872E
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: through ELM and FAIM databases
Newsletter features internationally known business
consultant and author Tom Peters and focuses on customer
service for distributors. Two successful customer service
stories are highlighted: Whitmire Distribution and Louis
and Company.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Industry Solutions
3;Wholesale/Retail Distribution
HP's consulting solutions for Taco Bell success story
HP's consulting solutions for Taco Bell success story
Phil Venuti/WCSO
20B.tif (Graphic)
Audience: customers, decision makers, and dealers
interested in HP consulting services
Format: four pages, 8-1/2 by 11 inches, two color
P/N: 5091-4470E
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: CSMM monthly mailing
Success story told by Taco Bell's manager of restaurant
systems outlines the system that Taco Bell purchased from HP
and how the purchase reduced Taco Bell's operating costs,
increased productivity, and solidified its competitive
position. Piece describes leveraging resources, HP's added
value, enhancing return on investment, and increasing
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Multiuser Systems
HP ALLBASE/SQL data sheet
HP ALLBASE/SQL data sheet
Rajoo Nagar/CSY
Audience: HP 3000 and 9000 end users and MIS professionals;
sales force and technical consultants
Format: 12 pages, 8-1/2 by 11 inches, black and white,
includes pictures
P/N: 5091-5172E
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: none
Sheet describes HP ALLBASE/SQL information management
solution for HP computers. It describes the engine
capabilities for high-performance client/server application
development, disaster recovery through built-in database
features, coexistence with other database systems,
application development alternatives, relational technology
benefits, and other information to facilitate positioning
and selling the product.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Multiuser Systems
3;HP 9000
HP 9000 Series 800 High Availability Computing Products data
HP 9000 Series 800 High Availability Computing Products data
Judy White/GSY
21A.tif (Graphic)
Audience: field sales and marketing personnel, technical
evaluators, decision makers
Format: eight pages, black and white
P/N: 5091-1633E
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: none
Sheet describes HP SwitchOver/UX, MirrorDisk/UX, disk
arrays, power-fail battery backup, and reliable system
components for Series 800.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Multiuser Systems
3;HP 9000
HP-UX 9.0 Operating System data sheet
HP-UX 9.0 Operating System data sheet
Judy White/GSY
P21B.tif (Graphic)
Audience: field sales and marketing personnel, technical
evaluators, decision makers
Format: six pages, black and white
P/N: 5091-3626E
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: via September SalesLink
Sheet describes new enhanced version of HP-UX that bundles
in additional functionality.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Multiuser Systems
3;HP 9000
DAT data compression support on Series 800
DAT data compression support on Series 800
Celia Watts/CPB
With the introduction of HP-UX 9.0, the HP Series 6400 Model
2000DC, P/N C1521B, is fully supported on HP 9000 Series 800
The recent release of HP-UX 9.0 provides support of the
following features: data compression, boot/install/update,
standard HP-UX backup commands including fbackup and
frecover, Digital Data Storage (DDS) Fastsearch (fast random
file access) via fbackup and frecover, and DAT with HP
OmniBack and OmniBack/Turbo.
Customers can take advantage of the significant performance
benefits of data compression. The Model 2000DC standalone
SCSI DAT drive stores 4-8 GB of data on a single 90-m DDS
cassette and transfers up to 2-1/2 GB of data/hour. Data
compression performance is wholly dependent on the type of
data being compressed and transfer rates are host and
operating system dependent.
DAT with data compression is also supported under HP-UX 9.0
as an integrated drive in HP 9000 Model 8X7 systems. Order
option AT2 to take advantage of the higher performance DAT
drive with data compression.
For more information
Access the Peripheral Hotline in the U.S. or Peripherals
Info in Europe, subject DSUP92S, to receive a current matrix
of DAT system support.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Multiuser Systems
3;HP 9000
P/N C1521B option 800 discontinuance
P/N C1521B option 800 discontinuance
Celia Watts/CPB
With the announcement of HP-UX 9.0, P/N C1521B option 800
will be discontinued. Option 800 provided support for P/N
C1521B on HP 9000 Model 8X7 systems running HP-UX 8.02.
For customers who do not move to HP-UX 9.0 immediately,
option 800 will remain on the Corporate Price List until the
end of February 1993. Delivery may be scheduled no later
than May 31, 1993.
For more information
Contact Celia Watts at 44-272-228288 or Telnet 312-8288.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Multiuser Systems
3;HP 3000
Announcing HP SQL for IMAGE
Announcing HP SQL for IMAGE
Todd Hirozawa/CSY
Product name: HP SQL for IMAGE
Description: read/write SQL interface to HP TurboIMAGE
databases that makes TurboIMAGE a relational DBMS compatible
with client/server tools on HP ALLBASE/SQL
Target market: MIS, end users, HP Channel Partners
HP SQL for IMAGE was announced at Interex and is scheduled
to be available as a separate product with a later release
of the MPE/iX operating system. Shipment of the full
read/write version is targeted to begin mid-1993, and a
read-only version is planned for late-1992.
Features and benefits
For MIS, HP SQL for IMAGE provides structured query language
(SQL) to existing TurboIMAGE data and improves application
programmer productivity through SQL-based 4GL development
and maintenance tools.
For end users, HP SQL for IMAGE provides access to new
client/server reporting tools featuring graphical user interfaces (GUI)
for use with PC-based tools. Users can cut and paste between SQL for
IMAGE applications and PC spreadsheets or move word
processor text into the HP 3000.
For Channel Partners, HP SQL for IMAGE allows new
application modules to co-exist with applications and TurboIMAGE data.
Older modules can be given new life with GUI from SQL-based
client/server tools without having to change the underlying
For more information
Access the CSY HP 3000 Hotline, subject SQL4IMAG.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Multiuser Systems
3;HP 3000
HP EDIT for MPE V and MPE/iX HP 3000 Systems data sheet
HP EDIT for MPE V and MPE/iX HP 3000 Systems data sheet
Mary Ann Mercer/WCSO
P22.tif (Graphic)
Audience: MIS and program managers
Format: two pages, 8-1/2 by 11 inches, black and white
P/N: 5091-4738EUS
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: CSMM monthly mailing
Sheet provides information on key features, benefits,
specific text editing features, specifications, and ordering
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Multiuser Systems
3;HP 3000
HP Corporate Business System price increase
HP Corporate Business System price increase
Madeline Jow/CSY
Prices for HP 3000 Corporate Business Systems will increase
by $10,000-35,000 on November 1. At the same time, trade-in
credits for Series 980 toward the purchase of the HP
Corporate Business System will decrease. The net effect for
Series 980 upgrades to Corporate Business Systems is price
increases ranging from $60,000-85,000. The new prices will
be reflected on the October Corporate Price List. Customers
can place orders at the old prices through the end of
| Old U.S. New U.S. |
| P/N Description list price list price |
| A1809A HP 3000 Corporate |
| Business System DX |
| Opt. 880 CS 990 $ 570,000 $ 580,000 |
| Opt. 881 CS 992/100 645,000 655,000 |
| Opt. 882 CS 992/200 850,000 865,000 |
| Opt. 883 CS 992/300 990,000 1,015,000 |
| Opt. 884 CS 992/400 1,130,000 1,165,000 |
| Opt. 725 Return Series 980/100 < 275,000> < 225,000> |
| Opt. 726 Return Series 980/200 < 370,000> < 320,000> |
| Opt. 727 Return Series 980/300 < 450,000> < 400,000> |
| Opt. 728 Return Series 980/400 < 540,000> < 490,000> |
| A1811A HP 3000 Corporate |
| Business System |
| Opt. 880 CS 990 470,000 480,000 |
| Opt. 881 CS 992/100 545,000 555,000 |
| Opt. 882 CS 992/200 750,000 765,000 |
| Opt. 883 CS 992/300 890,000 915,000 |
| Opt. 884 CS 992/400 1,030,000 1,065,000 |
| Opt. 725 Return Series 980/100 < 275,000> < 225,000> |
| Opt. 726 Return Series 980/200 < 370,000> < 320,000> |
| Opt. 727 Return Series 980/300 < 450,000> < 400,000> |
| Opt. 728 Return Series 980/400 < 540,000> < 490,000> |
Check CONRAD for appropriate Series 980 upgrade paths.
Return credit price reductions for other HP 3000 systems
will also take effect on November 1, as documented in the HP
3000 Installed Base sales tool kit, June 1992, P/N 5091-
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Multiuser Systems
3;HP 3000
Software license transfer procedures
Software license transfer procedures
Andrew Berlinberg/CSY
When customers buy equipment from HP or HP-authorized
resellers/distributors, the purchase price includes a
software license to use HP MPE/iX, TurboIMAGE, and
ALLBASE/SQL. HP never sells this software; HP licenses it.
Some customers purchase HP equipment from parties not
affiliated with HP or HP-authorized resellers/distributors.
These unaffiliated parties can include end-user customers
who are reselling equipment or equipment brokers. As
unaffiliated parties do not have the right to sublicense HP
software, customers buying equipment from these sources must
obtain valid software licenses. Customers can obtain proper
licensing through software license transfers or by
purchasing software and associated licenses directly from
For more information
Access the CSY Hotline, subject SWLICN, for specific
procedural information. The hotline article includes a
letter for customers that outlines software license transfer
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Systems management
New HP OmniBack release adds functionality
New HP OmniBack release adds functionality
Bettina Waldeck/NSMD
Product names and P/Ns: HP OmniBack, HP OmniBack/Turbo; see
text for P/Ns
Additional functionality has been added to HP OmniBack and
OmniBack/Turbo with the release of new Version A.02.03.
HP OmniBack enhancements
easy restore through introduction of a log file analyzer
that eliminates the need for reviewing log files manually--
The log file analyzer extracts all information needed from
the log files and generates the appropriate restore command.
This command can be executed automatically or manually.
support of Sun SPARCstations and MS-DOS clients--Sun
SPARCstations can be backed up to HP OmniBack Domain or HP-
UX backup servers. Supported Sun/OS versions are 4.1.1 and
4.1.2 (for more details please see "HP OmniBack client
software for Sun Microsystems workstations" in the July 1
Computer News). MS-DOS PC integration into the HP OmniBack
backup environment is offered through interoperation of HP
OmniBack with QUEST Plan-B/UX. PC backup is initiated and
managed without user intervention and can even proceed while
PC users are running applications. Both HP LANManager and
Novell NetWare PCs are supported.
HP OmniBack/Turbo enhancements
all enhancements made to HP OmniBack
online backup capability for Oracle databases--Through the
establishment of online backup using the Oracle HotBackup
feature in combination with HP OmniBack/Turbo, system
downtime during backup of Oracle databases is eliminated.
Supported operating system versions are HP-UX 8.0X and 9.0,
Domain/OS SR 10.3 and 10.4, and SunOS 4.1.1 and 4.1.2.
Systems running the older versions of HP OmniBack or
OmniBack/Turbo can be mixed with ones running the new
versions; however, depending on the configuration, not all
of the new functionality may be available. The same applies
to the integration of systems running HP-UX 7.X. Recommend
an update of all systems to the new HP OmniBack and
OmniBack/Turbo version.
For both products, the enhanced versions for HP-UX 8.0X,
Domain/OS SR 10.3 and 10.4, and Sun/OS 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 will
be available by mid-October. Shipments are planned for
first quarter FY93 for corresponding HP-UX 9.0 products.
Ordering information
HP OmniBack and OmniBack/Turbo product structure and pricing
remain unchanged.
| U.S. list |
| P/N Description price |
| HP OmniBack products |
| B1920A License to use for HP 9000 Series 600/ |
| 800 business servers on HP-UX 8.0X/9.0 $ 0 |
| Opt. AH0 Tier 1 system 1,500 |
| Opt. AEL Tier 2 system 2,500 |
| Opt. AE5 Tier 3 system 5,000 |
| Opt. AE6 Tier 4 system 7,000 |
| Opt. AEN Tier 5 system 9,000 |
| Opt. AEP Tier 6 system 12,000 |
| Opt. AH1 Tier 7 system 15,000 |
| Opt. 0GR Upgrade from tier 1 < 1,500> |
| Opt. 0GE Upgrade from tier 2 < 2,500> |
| Opt. 0C8 Upgrade from tier 3 < 5,000> |
| Opt. 0GS Upgrade from tier 4 < 7,000> |
| Opt. 0GT Upgrade from tier 5 < 9,000> |
| Opt. 0GU Upgrade from tier 6 <12,000> |
| B1942A Base license for HP 9000 Series 300 5,050 |
| and HP Apollo 9000 Series 400/700 on |
| HP-UX 8.0X/9.0, Domain/OS 10.3/10.4, |
| Sun/OS 4.1.1/4.1.2 workstations |
| B1943A Node license for HP 9000 Series 300 |
| and HP Apollo 9000 Series 400/700 on |
| HP-UX 8.0X/9.0, Domain/OS 10.3/10.4, |
| Sun/OS 4.1.1/4.1.2 workstations |
| 1-24 nodes 150/node |
| 25-99 nodes 135/node |
| 100+ nodes 110/node |
| B1944A Platform software for Series 300/400 250 |
| on HP-UX 8.0X |
| B1944B Platform software for Series 300/400 250 |
| on HP-UX 9.0 |
| Opt. AAU CD-ROM certificate 0 |
| Additional P/N B1944A/B options |
| Opt. AA0 1/4-inch cartridge tape 0 |
| Opt. AAH DAT/DDS tape 0 |
| B1945A Platform software for Series 700 on 250 |
| HP-UX 8.0X |
| B1945B Platform software for Series 700 on 250 |
| HP-UX 9.0 |
| P/N B1945A/B options |
| Opt. AAH DAT/DDS tape 0 |
| Opt. AAU CD-ROM certificate 0 |
| B1949A Platform software for Series 600/800 250 |
| on HP-UX 8.0X |
| B1949B Platform software for Series 600/800 250 |
| on HP-UX 9.0 |
| Opt. AAU CD-ROM certificate 0 |
| Additional P/N B1949A/B options |
| Opt. AAH DAT/DDS tape 0 |
| Opt. AA4 QIC 525 tape 0 |
| B1947A Platform software for Domain/OS 250 |
| 10.3/10.4 |
| Opt. AA0 1/4-inch cartridge tape 0 |
| Opt. AA1 1/2-inch magnetic tape 0 |
| B1948A Platform software for Sun/OS 250 |
| 4.1.1/4.1.2 |
| Opt. AA0 1/4-inch cartridge tape 0 |
| Additional options for P/Ns B1944A/B, B1945A/B, |
| B1949A/B, B1947A, B1948A (1) |
| Opt. ABA U.S. English language documentation 0 |
| Opt. AJB Japanese language documentation 0 |
| Opt. AGZ Evaluation copy < 200> |
| HP OmniBack/Turbo products |
| B1921A License to use for Series 600/800 0 |
| business servers on HP-UX 8.0X/9.0 |
| Opt. AH0 Tier 1 system 3,000 |
| Opt. AEL Tier 2 system 5,000 |
| Opt. AE5 Tier 3 system 8,700 |
| Opt. AE6 Tier 4 system 12,500 |
| Opt. AEN Tier 5 system 20,000 |
| Opt. AEP Tier 6 system 28,000 |
| Opt. AH1 Tier 7 system 38,000 |
| Opt. 0GR Upgrade from tier 1 < 3,000> |
| Opt. 0GE Upgrade from tier 2 < 5,000> |
| Opt. 0C8 Upgrade from tier 3 < 8,700> |
| Opt. 0GS Upgrade from tier 4 <12,500> |
| Opt. 0GT Upgrade from tier 5 <20,000> |
| Opt. 0GU Upgrade from tier 6 <28,000> |
| Opt. 001 Upgrade from HP OmniBack tier 1 system < 1,500> |
| Opt. 002 Upgrade from HP OmniBack tier 2 system < 2,500> |
| Opt. 003 Upgrade from HP OmniBack tier 3 system < 5,000> |
| Opt. 004 Upgrade from HP OmniBack tier 4 system < 7,000> |
| Opt. 005 Upgrade from HP OmniBack tier 5 system < 9,000> |
| Opt. 006 Upgrade from HP OmniBack tier 6 system <12,000> |
| Opt. 007 Upgrade from HP OmniBack tier 7 system <15,000> |
| B1929A License to use for Series 700 0 |
| workstations on HP-UX 8.0X |
| B1929B License to use for Series 700 0 |
| workstations on HP-UX 9.0 |
| P/N B1929A/B option |
| Opt. UAU Series 700 license 10,000 |
| B1929A Platform software for Series 700 on 0 (2) |
| HP-UX 8.0X |
| B1929B Platform software for Series 700 on 0 (2) |
| HP-UX 9.0 |
| P/N B1929A options |
| Opt. AAH DAT/DDS tape 0 |
| Opt. AAU CD-ROM certificate 0 |
| Opt. ABA U.S. English documentation 0 |
| Opt. ABJ Japanese documentation 0 |
| Opt. AGZ Evaluation copy <200> |
| B1950A Platform software for Series 600/800 250 |
| on HP-UX 8.0X |
| B1950B Platform software for Series 600/800 250 |
| on HP-UX 9.0 |
| P/N B1950A/B options |
| Opt. AAH DAT/DDS tape 0 |
| Opt. AA1 1/2-inch magnetic tape 0 |
| Opt. AAU CD-ROM certificate 0 |
| Opt. AA4 QIC 525 tape 0 |
| Opt. ABA U.S. English documentation 0 |
| Opt. ABJ Japanese documentation 0 |
| Opt. AGZ Evaluation copy 50 |
(1) Japanese option AJB is not available for P/N B1947A.
(2) There is no charge for this product when ordered with
license or evaluation copy.
To order the new versions specify a required shipment date
of October 12 or later. All orders shipped after October 12
will automatically receive the new versions.
HP OmniBack and OmniBack/Turbo for Series 700 on the
application CD will not be available before January 1993 due
to manufacturing dependencies. If you need the software
before then order the DAT/DDS medium instead.
For more information
If you have additional questions contact your Sales Response
Center; or in Europe contact Bettina Waldeck at 49-7031-14-
3109; in the U.S., Michael Bueckle at 408 or Telnet 447-4245
or Gordon MacKinney at 303 or Telnet 229-2125.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Systems management
HP Optical Storage Server SSP menu update
HP Optical Storage Server SSP menu update
Karl-Heinz Schabo/NSMD
Due to the increased number of Structured Solution Packages
(SSPs), Corporate Administration will no longer manage the
distribution of the SSP ordering menus to the field.
Network and System Management Division will now use its
SYSTEM-MANGEMENT Autoinfo service to provide the actual
ordering menu for the HP Optical Storage Server, P/N C2455A.
For more information
Access SYSTEM-MANAGEMENT/HPB200, subject C2455A, for a new
version of the menu updated August 1 or subject SMDATA for
an updated electronic version of the HP Storage Manager data sheet, P/N
C2450A. For other subjects, request INDEX.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Systems management
Introducing HP GlancePlus Pak/UX for HP 9000 systems
Introducing HP GlancePlus Pak/UX for HP 9000 systems
Jim Jen/SWT
P26.tif (Graphic)
Product name and P/N: HP GlancePlus Pak/UX, see text for
Description: new performance tool that combines HP
GlancePlus/UX and Performance Collection software, formerly
known as the HP LaserRX/UX Collection software
Target market: HP 9000/HP Apollo 9000 customers who want an online
monitoring and diagnostic tool but also want to log
historical data
Features and benefits
HP GlancePlus/UX software provides online monitoring and
diagnostic capabilities. Customers can view current system
activity and isolate and resolve performance bottlenecks
when they occur.
HP Performance Collection software provides customers
historical performance data for long-term trending. A
patented SCOPE program efficiently logs performance metrics
that can be viewed on the host HP 9000 or exported to
spreadsheet and graphics packages. (For more information on
the HP Performance Collection software, see next article.)
Combining these software capabilities into one product gives
customers more flexibility and lower support costs (one
support number).
Product line positioning
Similar to HP GlancePlus, HP GlancePlus Pak/UX is positioned
as easy to use, entry level, and affordable. It should be
presented as the entry-level performance solution for HP-UX
customers; the standalone HP GlancePlus product should be
considered as the solution for customers who do not need
historical trending data. Customers who are interested in
historical information should also consider HP LaserRX/UX
Analysis software for sophisticated performance data
Competitive positioning
Emphasize HP GlancePlus Pak's ease of use, HP's extensive
expertise in the area of HP-UX performance management, and
HP's complete family of performance solutions. Point out
the flexibility in HP's solutions with the introduction of
HP GlancePlus Pak, the continuing availability of HP
GlancePlus, and the powerful analysis capabilities in HP
LaserRX Analysis software.
Current HP GlancePlus/UX and LaserRX/UX Collection software
customers can purchase upgrades to HP GlancePlus Pak/UX and
receive substantial return credits on the original
Configuration information
HP GlancePlus Pak/UX is available on HP-UX 8.0 or later.
Ordering information
| U.S. list |
| P/N Description price |
| B3169A HP GlancePlus Pak/UX for |
| HP 9000 Series 600/800 |
| Opt. AH0 For Model 808/807/817 $1,600 |
| Opt. AEL For Model 815/822/827/837 2,000 |
| Opt. AE5 For Model 825/832/635/847/857 2,450 |
| Opt. AE6 For Model 835/842/645/867/877 3,150 |
| Opt. AEN For Model 840/845/852 4,600 |
| Opt. AEP For Model 850/855/860 6,400 |
| Opt. AH1 For Model 870/100/400 8,800 |
| Opt. APB HP-UX 8.00/8.02 release option 0 |
| Opt. APD HP-UX 8.06 release option 0 |
| Opt. AA0 1/4-inch cartridge media 195 |
| Opt. AA1 1/2-inch magnetic tape media 195 |
| Opt. AAH DAT media 195 |
| Opt. AA4 QIC media (HP-UX 8.0 only) 195 |
| B3168A HP GlancePlus Pak/UX for 1,600 |
| HP Apollo 9000 Series 700 |
| Opt. APE HP-UX 8.05 release 0 |
| Opt. APF HP-UX 8.07 release 0 |
| Opt. AAH DAT media 195 |
| B3170A HP GlancePlus Pak/UX for HP 9000 |
| Series 300/HP Apollo 9000 Series 400 |
| Opt. AE8 For Series 32X-34X 1,600 |
| Opt. AE9 For Series 35X-37X, 4XX 1,600 |
| Opt. APB HP-UX 8.00/8.02 release 0 |
| Opt. AA0 1/4-inch cartridge media 195 |
| Additional P/N B3169A/B3168A/B3170A options |
| Opt. APH HP-UX 9.0 release 0 |
| Opt. AAU CD-ROM certificate (available HP-UX 9.0) 0 |
| Opt. 0BE User's manual 100 |
These products will be available on the October Corporate
Price List. Shipments are expected to begin in October.
For more information
If you have additional questions contact the Sales Response
Center at 408 or Telnet 447-4444.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
2;Systems management
HP LaserRX/UX enhancements and repricing
HP LaserRX/UX enhancements and repricing
Jim Jen/SWT
Product name and P/N: HP LaserRX/UX Analysis software, HP
LaserRX/UX Collection software; see text for P/Ns
Description: system resource management software that
provides comprehensive system activity information for HP
Target market: HP 9000 customers who want access to system
activity and performance information
Both the Analysis and Collection software components of HP
LaserRX/UX have been enhanced to provide more power and
flexibility in HP 9000 systems management. Effective with
the October Corporate Price List, HP LaserRX/UX Collection
software has been repriced and renamed HP Performance
Collection software for HP-UX systems.
Features and benefits
new non-CD based analysis software--Analysis software will
be distributed on 5 1/4- and 3 1/2-inch floppy media. There
is no new functionality in this analysis software update,
but the new media removes the CD-ROM drive hardware
new host access to data--Access to the performance data is
available directly on the HP 9000. The EXTRACT program has
a new export command that can produce ASCII or binary
performance data files on the HP 9000. This allows
customers to generate reports and transfer data to other
analysis packages from the host system.
new user interface for UTILITY and EXTRACT programs--A
command-driven user interface replaces the prompt-and-answer
dialog used in earlier versions. Command-line capability
has been added. Enhancements to the UTILITY and EXTRACT programs make
it easier to accomplish unattended batch operations.
Ordering information
| U.S. list |
| P/N Description price |
| B1766B HP LaserRX/UX Analysis software $5,500 |
| B1767B HP Performance Collection software for |
| HP 9000 Series 300/HP Apollo 9000 |
| Series 400 on HP-UX 7.0 |
| B2662A HP Performance Collection software for |
| Series 300/400 on HP-UX 8.0 |
| P/N B1767B/B2662A options |
| Opt. AE8 For Series 32X-34X 1,200 |
| Opt. AE9 For Series 35X-37X, 4XX 1,200 |
| B1768B HP Performance Collection software for |
| HP 9000 Series 600/800 on HP-UX 7.0 |
| B2663A HP Performance Collection software for |
| Series 800/600 on HP-UX 8.0 |
| P/N B1768B/B2663A options |
| Opt. AH0 For Model 808 1,200 |
| Opt. AEL For Model 815/822 1,400 |
| Opt. AE5 For Model 825/832/635 1,700 |
| Opt. AE6 For Model 835/842/645 2,000 |
| Opt. AEN For Model 840/845/852 3,000 |
| Opt. AEP For Model 850/855/860 4,500 |
| Opt. AH1 For Model 870 6,000 |
| B1806A HP Performance Collection software for 1,200 |
| HP Apollo 9000 Series 700 |
HP Performance Collection software for HP-UX 7.0 and 8.0
will be available in mid-September. Non-CD based HP
LaserRX/UX Analysis software will be available in mid-
HP LaserRX/UX customers on software support will receive HP
Performance Collection software and the non-CD based
Analysis software as part of an HP LaserRX/UX update.
Prices are effective October 1.
For more information
If you have additional questions contact the Sales Response
Center at 408 or Telnet 447-4444.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
New HP Series 6000 SCSI mass storage systems
New HP Series 6000 SCSI mass storage systems
Sandra Johnson/DMD
Product names and P/Ns: HP Series 6000 SCSI mass storage
systems and expansion kits, see text for P/Ns
Description: SCSI mass storage systems with new 1- and 2-GB
drives that provide external disk storage, 2-8 GB DAT, 600-
MB CD-ROM, and 650-MB rewritable optical secondary storage;
replaces Series 6000 Models 1350SE, 670SE, and 1350S
Target market: HP 9000 Series 300 and HP Apollo 9000 Series
400/700 users who need external online and secondary mass
Features and benefits
new drives--1- and 2-GB HP designed and manufactured SCSI-2
disk drives with 10.5 and 11.5 ms average seek and up to 10
MB/s channel transfer rate
up to 7 GB disk storage--an increase from 4.6 GB maximum
disk storage with previous storage systems
new easy-to-order preconfigured storage systems--systems
preconfigured with 1-GB disk and 2-GB DDS DAT, 2-GB disk and
up to 8-GB DDS DC DAT, or two 2-GB disks (for 4 GB total
disk storage); 2-GB disk base model also available
same flexible solution--1- and 2-GB disk, DAT, CD-ROM, and
rewritable optical expansion kits available in addition to
preconfigured systems for flexible configuration
same minitower or rackmount enclosures--floor-standing
minitower enclosure that houses up to seven half-height
devices; rackmount enclosure that holds up to three full-
height devices or five half-height devices and can be
rackmounted in HP's Design Plus cabinets
testing and support--on Series 300/400/700 with HP-UX 9.0
Product line positioning
The new SCSI mass storage systems are faster and less costly
(in dollars per MB) and offer higher capacity than the
systems they replace. The minitower with a 2-GB disk sells
for $3.55/MB versus $4.17/MB for the minitower with an older
1.3-GB drive. The 1- and 2-GB expansion kits sell for $4.00
and $3.45/MB, respectively, versus $3.80/MB for the older
1.3-GB kit. On a net dollars/MB basis the new products are
roughly 11-30 percent below Sun Microsystems external
storage prices in comparable expandable cabinets.
Ordering information
| P/N Description U.S. list price |
| Rackmount mass storage systems |
| C3020R 1-GB disk/2-GB DAT $ 6,650 |
| C3021R 2-GB disk/8-GB DAT 10,550 |
| C3023R (1) 2-GB disk 7,100 |
| C3024R (1) 2 2-GB disks 13,800 |
| Tower mass storage systems |
| C3020T 1-GB disk/2-GB DAT 6,650 |
| C3021T 2-GB disk/8-GB DAT 10,550 |
| C3023T (1) 2-GB disk 7,100 |
| C3024T (1) 2 2-GB disks 13,800 |
| Expansion kits |
| C3027U (1) 1-GB disk 4,000 |
| C3028U (1) 2-GB disk 6,900 |
| C2293U (2) 600-MB CD-ROM 1,250 |
| C2294A 650-MB R.O. (for rack) 5,400 |
| C2294T 650-MB (for tower) 5,400 |
| C2297U (2) 2-GB DAT 2,900 |
| C2298U (2) 8-GB DAT 3,900 |
(1) Option 001, specifying workstation firmware on the drives,
must be ordered.
(2) These products replace P/Ns C2293A/T, C2297A/T, and
C2298A/T respectively.
Products are on the September Corporate Price List.
For more information
See the HP Series 6000 SCSI mass storage solutions product
brief, P/N 5091-5181E, available from the Literature
Distribution Center (distributed to SF 40 sales reps). If
you have additional questions contact the Sales Response
Center at 408 or Telnet 447-4444.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
New upgrade-ready HP Apollo 9000 Series 400 configurations
New upgrade-ready HP Apollo 9000 Series 400
Evan James/ESD
Product names and P/Ns: HP Apollo 9000 Model 425T Domain
CRX configured for PA-RISC upgrade, P/N A2546A; Model 433S
Domain CRX configured for PA-RISC upgrade, P/N A2560A
Description: Model 425T and 433S standard configurations
configured for quick and easy PA-RISC upgrade
Target market: Domain customers who have not converted to HP-UX and
plan to upgrade to the HP Apollo 9000 Series 700 as part of their HP-UX
The recently introduced PA-RISC upgrades for Series 400
provide inexpensive and convenient upgrade paths for
customers who are still using Domain/OS but are planning to
migrate to HP-UX soon to take advantage of Series 700 power.
Two new Domain Series 400 configurations make upgrading even
Features and benefits
The new configurations come with enough RAM to take full
advantage of the PA-RISC upgrade's performance and enough
disk capacity to load HP-UX 9.0 and ample swap space. A CPU
board swap only is needed when the upgrade arrives, and
customers have access to over 55 SPECmarks.
The configurations include the DMX user interface, which
helps smooth the transition to HP-UX. It provides a
familiar environment to Domain users as it incorporates most
of the functionality of the DM Editor but uses OSF/Motif.
Ordering information
| U.S. list |
| P/N Description price |
| A2546A Model 425T CRX color workstation for $19,190 |
| Domain; includes 19-inch monitor, 32-MB |
| RAM, 420-MB disk, ATR card, DMX software, |
| and documentation |
| Opt. AN6 Add 32-MB RAM for total 64 MB 4,800 |
| Opt. AMT Add second 420-MB disk 2,500 |
| Opt. AL9 Select AUI LAN 0 |
| A2560A Model 433S CRX color workstation for 30,490 |
| Domain; includes 19-inch monitor, 32-MB |
| RAM, 1.3 GB disk, 4 EISA slots, ATR |
| card, DMX software, and documentation |
| Opt. AN6 Add 32-MB RAM for a total of 64 MB 4,800 |
| Opt. AMG Add second 1.3 GB disk 5,000 |
| Opt. AM8 Add CD-ROM drive 1,000 |
| Opt. AM9 Add QIC cartridge tape drive 2,000 |
| Opt. AL9 Select AUI LAN 0 |
These products are on the Corporate Price List. Quoted SRTs
are eight weeks (being driven to a maximum of four weeks).
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
Localized software versions for workstations
Localized software versions for workstations
Pat Hafford/WSG
HP-UX 9.0 has been localized for Japanese, German, French,
traditional Chinese, Korean, and simplified Chinese for HP
Apollo 9000 Series 400/700 and HP 9000 Series 300.
Customers can get localized bundles consisting of HP-UX 9.0
run time (two user), the appropriate NLIO product (where
required), and localized messages/HP VUE and documentation.
The products are available on DAT or CD-ROM. The Series
700/300/400 sales and pricing guide contains pricing,
ordering, and availability details.
Localized versions of Instant Ignition are orderable for
Japan and Germany. Localized keyboard kits containing 9.0
or 8.0X learning products are orderable with the other
Localized software versions for 8.0 and 8.05/8.07 will
remain on the Corporate Price List. Effective September 1,
the upgrade to local language option (OHG) has been put into
support life and is no longer orderable.
An eight-user Series 700 HP-UX 9.0 product that supports two
versions, HP-UX 8.07 and HP-UX 9.0, is available for Japan.
| P/N Description |
| Series 700 products |
| B2387A 2-user license, Japanese |
| B2487A 8-user license, Japanese |
| P/N B2387A/B2487A options |
| Opt. APH 9.0 software revision |
| Opt. APF 8.07 software revision |
| B2395A 2-user license, Korean |
| B2816A 2-user license, traditional Chinese |
| B2396A 2-user license, German |
| B2397A 2-user license, French |
| P/N B2395A/B2816A/B2396A/B2397A options |
| Opt. APH 9.0 software revision |
| Opt. APE 8.05 software revision |
| B2815A/B-8/9 Documentation set, Japanese |
| Opt. 0BE System administration |
| B2816A Documentation set, traditional Chinese |
| Opt. 0BG-9 Users guides |
| B2396A Documentation set, German |
| Opt. 0BE-9 System administration |
| B2911A Instant Ignition, Japanese |
| B2912A Instant Ignition, German |
| P/N B2911A/B2912A option |
| Opt. APH 9.0 software revision |
| Series 300/400 products |
| B2386A 2-user license, Japanese |
| B2388A 2-user license, Korean |
| B2389A 2-user license, traditional Chinese |
| B2390A 2-user license, simplified Chinese |
| B2391A 2-user license, German |
| B2392A 2-user license, French |
| P/N B2386A/B2388A/B2389A/B2390A/B2391A/B2392A options |
| Opt. APH 9.0 software revision |
| Opt. APB 8.0 software revision |
| B3149A 32-user license, Japanese |
| Opt. APH 9.0 software revision |
| Opt. ABB 8.0/8.05/8.07 software revision |
| B2814A/B-8/9 Documentation set, Japanese |
| Opt. 0BE System administration |
| B2389A Documentation set, traditional Chinese |
| Opt. 0BG-9 Users guides |
| B2390A Documentation set, simplified Chinese |
| Opt. 0BD-9 General usage |
| Series 300/400/700 products |
| A1099C Keyboard |
| Opt. AR0 Japanese (Kanji) |
| A2205B Keyboard |
| P/N A1099C/A2205A options |
| Opt. ABJ Japanese |
| Opt. AB1 Korean |
| Opt. AB0 Traditional Chinese |
| Opt. ABA U.S. ASCII |
| A1099B Keyboard |
| Opt. ABZ Italian |
| Opt. ABE Spanish |
| P/N A1099B/A2205A options |
| Opt. ABD German |
| Opt. ABP German (Swiss) |
| Opt. ABC French (European) |
| Opt. ABF French (Canadian) |
| Opt. ABQ French (Swiss) |
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
New keyboards for Series 300/400/700 workstations and
New keyboards for Series 300/400/700 workstations and
Vern Rhead/WSG
Effective November 1, new HP-HIL keyboards, which are
included in must-order localization options for HP Apollo
9000 Series 400/700 and HP 9000 Series 300 workstations and
controllers, will replace current keyboards in all systems
shipped with HP-UX 9.0. Other systems will transition to
the new keyboards after November 1 as inventory permits.
The new keyboards are designed to deliver best-in-class
performance in areas of quality and ergonomics while
maintaining complete compatibility with the previous
keyboards in areas of key placement and key coding. Design
improvements for the new keyboards include improved key feel
and locator cues for speed and touch typing (demonstrated in
high-speed typing tests, blind preference tests, and
installed-base acceptance tests), a smaller form factor to
free up desk space, and an enhanced three-level kick stand
that provides greater choice in selecting comfortable hand
The following localization kits are affected by the keyboard
change: P/Ns A1099A, A1099B, A1099C (HP-UX style layout);
A2205A, A2205B (PC-style layout).
For more information
Contact your local Sales Center.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
New country-specific PC-style keyboards
New country-specific PC-style keyboards
Vern Rhead/WSG
New HP-HIL PC-style keyboards are available for nine HP-UX
9.0 localization kit options. The keyboards replace the
English or German language keyboards previously shipped with
the PC-style localization options.
Ordering information
| P/N Description |
| A2205B HP-HIL PC-style keyboard |
| Opt. ABE Spanish (European) |
| Opt. ABF French (European) |
| Opt. ABN Norwegian |
| Opt. ABP Swiss (German) |
| Opt. ABQ Swiss (French) |
| Opt. ABS Swedish |
| Opt. ABU U.K. English |
| Opt. ABY Danish |
| Opt. ABZ Italian |
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
HP-UX 9.0 FORTRAN products ordering changes
HP-UX 9.0 FORTRAN products ordering changes
Ron Tolley/STD
The following products have been restructured to offer both
8.07 and 9.0 software versions for HP Apollo 9000 Series
700/400 and HP 9000 Series 300 HP-UX 9.0 release. An
Instant Ignition option for Series 700 and a DDS media
option for Series 300/400 have been added to the FORTRAN
product for Release 9.0.
Ordering information
| U.S. list |
| P/N Description price |
| B2408A FORTRAN license to use for Series 700 $1,800 |
| Opt. AAH DDS 195 |
| Opt. AAU CD-ROM certificate 0 |
| Opt. APF 8.07 version 0 |
| Opt. APH 9.0 version 0 |
| Opt. 0BJ Additional manuals 195 |
| Opt. 0D1 Factory integration 0 |
| B2372A FORTRAN license to use for Series 300/400 1,500 |
| Opt. AA0 1/4-inch cartridge tape 195 |
| Opt. AAH DDS 195 |
| Opt. AAU CD-ROM certificate 0 |
| Opt. APB 8.0 version 0 |
| Opt. APH 9.0 version 0 |
| Opt. 0B1 Additional manuals 195 |
As of the September Corporate Price List, software and media
type must be specified when placing media orders. For
example, to order the Series 700 9.0 version of the FORTRAN
product on DDS, order P/N B2408A, options APH and AAH.
For more information
Call Deanna Kay Swetzig at 303 or Telnet 229-3973 or Ron
Tolley at 303 or Telnet 229-3054, or send an HP Desk message
to fortran@hp.fc.com.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
3;HP Apollo 9000
HP-UX 9.0 products increase performance and ease of use
HP-UX 9.0 products increase performance and ease of use
Joe Grim/SNMD
Product name: HP-UX 9.0
Description: newest version of the standards-based HP-UX
operating system
Target market: HP-UX workstation customers
HP-UX 9.0 offers new features and benefits to our
workstation customers in the areas of performance, ease of
use, new hardware and peripherals support, and standards
Features and benefits
dynamic buffer cache--function performed automatically for
reduced concern about optimizing RAM set aside for buffer
memory mapped files--better performance in reading and
writing files
higher process virtual address space--large processes no
longer limited to 640 MB
update--faster systems updating
performance tuning--faster read/write access to NFS-mounted
file systems, floating point libraries, virtual memory, C
and FORTRAN compiling and linking, I/O subsystems, and 3D
rendering in software
Ease of use:
X11 Release 5--faster X-window performance, new features
HP VUE 3.0--improved user interface; VUE Lite for faster
startup and less memory consumption; easier customization;
Hypertext online help; 3D color icons; color icon editor;
new, cleaner dashboard layout
binary compatibility with HP-UX 8.0X--no change to customer
applications from HP-UX 8.0 versions
new System Administration Manager (SAM)--easier to use,
task-oriented, with new functions and Open Software
Foundation (OSF)/Motif-based GUI
CD-quality audio support--higher quality sound for
multimedia audio applications
update utility--supports install of HP-UX over network, push
capability, support for 7.0X, 8.0X, and 9.0 media types, and
fpkg utility for ease of creating update packages
Hardware support
HP-UX 9.0 supports 2-GB 5-1/4-inch, 1-GB 3-1/2-inch, 525-MB 3-1/2-inch
half-height, and 3-1/2-inch floppy disk drives. It supports the kernel
and drivers for disk arrays (HP Apollo 9000 Series
700 only) and data compression software control on P/N A2275A DDS drive
(new for HP Apollo 9000 Series 400). Other peripherals supported are
magneto-optical drives, low-cost autochangers, and HP
color scanners.
Standards compliance
HP-UX 9.0 has OSF Application Environment Specification
(AES) compliance, Worldwide Portability Interface (WPI) of
XPG4, IEEE 1003.2 and POSIX.2 shell and tools standards,
kernel support for Streams, DDS install/update media (new to
Series 400/HP 9000 Series 300) support, NFS 4.1 features
(export of directories and files, automounter, root access
over NFS), and NFS and ARPA services over Apollo Token Ring
Configuration information
HP-UX 9.0 can be preloaded along with certain layered
software products on Series 700 workstations introduced after September
Product line positioning
HP-UX 9.0 provides a complete, fully functional, easy-to-use
operating system that runs on currently the fastest
Competitive positioning
The combination of Series 700 workstations and HP-UX 9.0
leads the industry in ease of use, performance, reliability,
and quality.
Ordering information
Refer to the HP Apollo 9000 Series 400 and 700 U.S. pricing
and configuration guide.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
3;HP Apollo 9000
Model 720 price reduction targets 3D markets
Model 720 price reduction targets 3D markets
David McSavaney/WSG
HP announces a combination price reduction and price
promotion of the HP Apollo 9000 Model 720CRX-24Z to specifically compete
with SGI Indigo 3D systems in accelerated 3D MCAD, AEC, and GIS markets.
The HP solution has nearly three times the
systems performance of the Silicon Graphics (SGI) Indigo XS/24Z and
approaches twice the systems performance of the SGI R4000 Indigo XS/24Z
at a comparable price.
| SGI Indigo Model HP |
| R4000 720CRX- Performance |
| XS/24Z 24Z Comparison |
| SpecMark89 70 66.5 0.95X |
| MFLOPS 16 17.9 1.1X |
| SpecInt92 57 38.9 0.7X |
| SpecFP92 61 63.3 1.1X |
| 3D vectors/s 250,000 650,000 2.6X |
| Triangles/s 80,000 165,000 2.1X |
| Polygons/s 17,000 63,000 3.7X |
| X11perf 6,380 7,804 1.2X |
| System price $26,500 $25,390 |
Price reduction
| P/N Description New U.S. list price |
| A2263A Model 720CRX-24 $25,390 |
| A2264A Model 720CRX-24Z 30,390 |
Competitive positioning
Accelerated 3D hardware provides the difference between
visual realism and much slower software-only solutions. HP
and SGI are among the leaders in this area. Previously only
available on expensive, high-end workstations, effective 3D
systems are now available at the desktop level. HP's
repricing represents a concerted effort by HP to remain the
number-one volume workstation supplier in this area. It is
also HP's first step in what will be an ongoing program to
lead the industry in desktop 3D systems.
See Computer News promotions insert for details of the
additional U.S. $5,000 price reduction, Promotion 2.670,
name: 3D Aggressor.
For more information
Access the Workstation Group Hotline, subject CHP43D, or
contact your local Sales Response Center.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
3;HP Apollo 9000
HP SharedPrint/UX for Series 700 workstations
HP SharedPrint/UX for Series 700 workstations
David Moreno/WSG
Product names and P/N: HP SharedPrint/UX Version 1.0, P/N
Description: client/server printing software designed to
enhance HP Apollo 9000 Series 700 basic printing
capabilities; client portion includes graphical user
interface, server provides the ability to print many types
of file formats to a multitude of HP and some third-party
Target market: workstation users who require high-quality
hard-copy output in both technical and commercial
Features and benefits
OSF/Motif VUE integrated user interface--allows users to
make print requests controlling the print job
parameters/options, queue status, and printer setup and
integration to HP Systems Administration Manager (SAM)--
allows printer setup and configuration (HP-UX 9.0)
online, context sensitive HELP system--minimizes use of
hard-copy documentation
drag and drop printing--allows files to be dropped on the
printer icon
support of multiple print paths--increases flexibility in
text, graphics, and compound document printing to a wide
variety of HP hard-copy devices
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
3;HP Apollo 9000
HP ScanJet IIc scanner for Series 700 workstations
HP ScanJet IIc scanner for Series 700 workstations
David Moreno/WSG
Product names and P/N: HP ScanJet IIc scanner for HP Apollo
9000 Series 700 workstations, P/N C1788A; HP ScanJet IIc
scanner interface kit for Series 700, P/N A2229A
Description: complete scanning solution for PA-RISC
Target market: technical and desktop publishing, multimedia
applications such as computer aided training and
presentation graphics, office productivity applications such
as FAX input and compound document creation where image
capture capability is required
Features and benefits
auto exposure--easy scanning for novices similar to point-
and-shoot photography; no need to adjust brightness and
contrast, but controls can be adjusted manually at user
automatic document feed support--supports batch feeding of
up to 50 documents freeing users from inconvenient single-
sheet input
SCSI-2 compliant--seamless connection to Series 700
workstations without interfering with storage devices
context sensitive online help--easy-to-use help system
similar to PCs and Apple Macintosh
one-pass scanning--improves scanning speed
Product line positioning
HP provides moderately priced color scanning on
workstations--an industry first--as a complementary tool to
enhance third-party applications in the areas of electronic
publishing and emerging multimedia applications.
Competitive positioning
HP ScanJet IIc scanner for the Series 700 is currently the lowest
priced, highest quality, flatbed scanning solution on UNIX
systems from a major workstation vendor.
Ordering information
| U.S. list |
| P/N Description price |
| C1788A HP ScanJet IIc scanner for Series 700 $3,190 |
| workstations (includes P/N A2229A |
| interface kit) |
| Opt. AAH Software on DDS (4-mm DAT) tape media 0 |
| Opt. AAU CD-ROM certificate 0 |
| Power cord options (must be specified for non-U.S. orders) |
| Opt. 900 U.K. 0 |
| Opt. 901 Australia, New Zealand 0 |
| Opt. 902 European 0 |
| Opt. 903 North America, Taiwan, Korea 0 |
| Opt. 906 Switzerland 0 |
| Opt. 912 Denmark 0 |
| Opt. 917 Republic of South Africa, India 0 |
| Opt. 918 Japan 0 |
| Opt. 919 Israel 0 |
| A2229A HP ScanJet IIc scanner interface kit for 1,395 |
| Series 700 workstations (includes HP |
| DeskScan/UX software media and license to |
| use, hard-copy user manual, and SCSI |
| cable and terminator) |
| C1751A HP ScanJet IIc scanner automatic 695 |
| document feeder |
This ordering information supersedes information in the
sales guide, P/N 5091-4856. Pricing information is
applicable to U.S. orders only.
For more information
Contact the Workstation Sales Response Center or David
Moreno at 508 or Telnet 436-5039.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
3;HP Apollo 9000
Americas Quick Ship Program extended
Americas Quick Ship Program extended
Jannine Iacobucci/WSG
The Quick Ship Program for HP Apollo 9000 Model 705/710/720
has been extended until October 30. See "Quick Ship
program" in the August 15 Computer News.
For more information
Contact Jannine Iacobucci at 508 or Telnet 436-5030.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
3;HP Apollo 9000
WKSG Radio special shipment
WKSG Radio special shipment
Jannine Iacobucci/WSG
For the U.S. and Canada only
On August 3, Sales Programs made a special shipment of WKSG
Radio to sales reps, DMs, ASMs, and others in SF 40 who do
not receive WKSG Radio on a monthly basis. Copies of May,
June, and July editions of WKSG and Corporate Roster Forms
were included to encourage new subscriptions.
To subscribe to WKSG Radio specify publication code WKS and
return the Corporate Roster Form to the address given.
If you do not subscribe to WKSG Radio and you did not
receive the special shipment, contact Jannine Iacobucci at
503 or Telnet 436-5030.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
Domain DN Series discontinuance update
Domain DN Series discontinuance update
Marc MacKenzie/WSG
The following two products will be discontinued in June 1993
rather than December 1992 as previously announced (see
"Domain DN series hardware discontinuance" in the August 15
Computer News).
| P/N Description Replacement |
| A1631A Upgrade 25-MHz MC68040 for DN3500/4500 none |
| A-697E-* Single expansion module with 697-MB disk none |
"*" stands for letters designating different country kits
(no change, still December 1992 for discontinuance of the
rest of the A-697* products).
The 8-mm tape products were not on the original list because
they also work on Series 400 Domain systems; but these two
products will be discontinued in June 1993 with the rest of
the DN-specific peripherals.
| P/N Description Replacement |
| A-EX-* 8-mm drive in a single disk C1520B |
| expansion module |
| A-OBEX-*D 8-mm drive including LA43A-BOC/BOD C1520B |
"*" stands for letters designating different country kits.
Two families of products, the Intelligent Communication
Controller and parallel interface kit, were listed for June
1993 discontinuance. Some versions are needed on Series
400. To simplify the products being produced, HP will
discontinue the versions of these products with software on
5-1/2-inch floppies in December 1992. The other versions
with software on 1/4-inch tape will be offered after June
1993. The following products will be discontinued in
December 1992.
| P/N Description Replacement |
| SCAT10****B Intelligent Communications Controller SCAT10****D |
| KIT-CENT-PC Field-installed parallel interface kit KIT-CENT10C |
| KIT-CENT-10H Parallel interface kit software KIT-CENT10C |
| on 5-1/2-inch floppy |
| KIT-CENT-MB Parallel interface kit for MULTIBUS none |
"****" stands for different versions.
The following products will be discontinued after June 1993.
| P/N Description Replacement |
| SCAT10****D Intelligent Communications Controller none |
| KIT-CENT-10C Parallel interface kit software none |
| on 1/4-inch tape |
"****" stands for different versions.
For more information
Contact your local Sales Center for a detailed list of
product numbers and discontinuance dates.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
New HP EtherTwist Hub provides easy upgrade path
New HP EtherTwist Hub provides easy upgrade path
Susan McNeil/RND
Product names and P/Ns: HP EtherTwist Hub/12, P/N 28684B;
HP EtherTwist Management upgrade kit, P/N J2341A
Description: upgradable, unmanaged HP EtherTwist 12-port,
10Base-T hub; separate upgrade kit that can be added at any
time to provide network management functionality equivalent
to that of HP EtherTwist Hub Plus, P/N 28688B
Target market: MIS and network managers, LAN/network system
Features and benefits
HP EtherTwist Hub/12:
25-pin RS-232 console port
15-pin AUI port
BNC port
standard 50-pin Telco connector for the 12 10Base-T ports
12-port, RJ-45 modular adapter option--may be installed on
the standard 50-pin Telco connector to connect 12 RJ-45
unshielded twisted-pair ports to the HP EtherTwist Hub/12
HP EtherTwist Management upgrade kit:
ability to respond to requests from the HP OpenView Network
Management Station
backup link support--enhances network fault tolerance (a
configurable, automatically activated redundant connection)
Internet Protocol (IP) parameter configuration--allows the
hub to be accessible using IP
PING test capability--tests the link between the hub and a
second connected device that responds to IP packets
password-setting capability--prevents unauthorized access of
the hub from network management stations
embedded advanced sampling environment (EASE) functionality-
-allows the hub to perform trend analysis using embedded
instrument technology
IP or IPX simple network management protocol management
The upgrade procedure involves a software download (to the
FLASH EEPROM firmware resident on the HP EtherTwist Hub/12)
via the RS-232 console port. The upgrade kit provides the
software download and a unique password for each hub that is
to be upgraded. Unlike most vendors which require
additional hardware or in some cases an additional hub to
upgrade their solutions to support network management, the
HP EtherTwist upgrade does not require hardware additions.
The upgrade kit also includes:
5-1/4- and 3-1/2-inch floppy disks with upgrade code
installation guide
null modem adapter
password certificate--This is serialized. To obtain the
unique password the certificate must be completed and
returned to HP per the instructions. The password serves as
a key enabling the network management capability to be
downloaded from floppy disk to hub.
Ordering information
| P/N Description U.S. list price |
| 28684B HP EtherTwist Hub/12 $1,195 |
| J2351A HP EtherTwist Management upgrade kit 699 |
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
HP EtherTwist Technical Reference Guide
HP EtherTwist Technical Reference Guide
Linda Gruenberg/RND
P35.tif (Graphic)
Audience: field sales and marketing personnel, dealers,
Format: 500 pages, four-color cover
P/N: 5091-3237E
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center and
Direct Mail Projects
Distribution: none
Guide provides technical information on the HP EtherTwist
family of networking products. It is organized into five
major sections: workgroup LANs, site LANs, multisite LANs,
network management, and advanced topics. This guide
replaces all previous HP EtherTwist technical reference
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
HP LAN Accessories Catalog
HP LAN Accessories Catalog
Linda Gruenberg/RND
P36A.tif (Graphic)
Audience: field sales and marketing personnel, dealers,
Format: 20 pages, 7 by 8-1/2 inches, four-color cover
P/N: 5091-1910E
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center and
Direct Mail Projects
Distribution: ships with HP EtherTwist products
Catalog provides a source for the basic hardware components
necessary for connecting multiple HP EtherTwist networking
products, including cables, connectors, rack and mounting
hardware, manuals, and data sheets.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
Buy Three, Manage Free HP EtherTwist promotion direct mail
Buy Three, Manage Free HP EtherTwist promotion direct mail
Linda Gruenberg/RND
P36B.tif (Graphic)
Audience: SF 12 and 40
Format: four color
P/N: 5091-5051E
Availability: from Literature Distribution Center
Distribution: 35,000 mailed to LAN publications subscribers
Flier is for advertising the HP EtherTwist Buy Three, Manage
Free Promotion to customers. It explains the promotion and
includes a claim card for HP's no-cost Interconnect
Manager/DOS network management software.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
HP EtherTwist Buy Three, Manage Free promotion
HP EtherTwist Buy Three, Manage Free promotion
The following new promotion was omitted from the September 1 Promotions
and Programs insert.
Scope: worldwide (see local country for approval information)
Sales force: 12, 40
Eligible products: P/Ns 28688B, 28699A, 28692A, 28682A, 28673A, 28674B,
27285A, 27286A
Start date: September 1, 1992
End date: January 31, 1993
Description: Customers receive a no-cost copy of HP OpenView
Interconnect Manager/DOS network management software, P/N 27256D, when
they buy any three manageable HP EtherTwist hubs, bridges,
and/or routers. Customers can participate by mailing a special claim
card available from direct mail, HP FIRST, or their authorized HP dealer
along with the bar code labels from the product
packages and a copy of their invoice. HP will fulfill claims for the
software by mail.
Special considerations: Only manageable HP EtherTwist products are
eligible. Only one copy per customer. Direct mail flier, P/N 5091-
5051E, is available from the Literature Distribution
Center. For more information refer to the September 1 InTouch
newsletter and the HP EtherTwist Buy Three, Manage Free marketing kit.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
HP NetLS on HP-UX 7.0 discontinuance
HP NetLS on HP-UX 7.0 discontinuance
Adrienne Azaria/OSSD
With the HP-UX 9.0 release HP Network License System (NetLS)
HP-UX 7.0 for HP 9000 Series 300/800, P/N LA350H0E, will be
obsoleted on the November Corporate Price List (CPL).
Customers can still purchase NetLS on HP-UX 8.0/9.0.
| U.S. list |
| P/N Description price |
| B2144A NetLS on HP-UX 8.0/9.0 for $4,808 |
| HP Apollo 9000 Series 700 |
| B2677A NetLS on HP-UX 8.0/9.0 for HP 9000 4,808 |
| Series 300/HP Apollo 9000 Series 700 |
| B2678A NetLS on HP-UX 8.0/9.0 for 4,808 |
| HP 9000 Model 645/835 (1) |
| LA350BAD NetLS for Motorola, Prism, Domain/OS 5,050 |
| LB42K000 NetLS annual license generation rights 5,000 |
(1) See the CPL for other models' prices.
Other platform support is provided by Gradient Technologies.
For more information
Contact Bob MacMillan at 508 or Telnet 436-4962 or via fax
at 508-256-3941. For non HP-platforms contact Gradient
Technologies at 508-562-2882 or via fax at 508-562-3549.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
3;Mass Storage
Distributed optical storage management for Domain and HP-UX
Distributed optical storage management for Domain and HP-UX
Peter Way/GSD
Product name: NetArchive from Advanced Software Concepts
Description: distributed hierarchical storage management
and file migration system with HP optical disk libraries
Target market: Domain/OS and HP-UX users who require file
migration capabilities on heterogeneous networks
NetArchive reduces the cost of network storage by moving
infrequently used files from local hard disks to storage
vaults (optical jukeboxes). The local hard disks are left
available for active data storage.
Features and benefits
file migration--Free disk space is increased by moving
targeted files to storage vaults.
transparent restoration--Migrated files remain on network
clients as virtual files. Users and applications access
migrated files as if they were on the local disks.
unique platform support--File systems such as Domain/OS file
types, ACLs, and CDFs retain native functionality.
distributed functionality--Multiple storage vaults can be
placed throughout the heterogeneous network to provide load
balancing and increased network throughput.
industry accepted standards foundation--Standards include
IEEE Mass Storage System Reference Model, Optical Systems
Architecture (ECMA 167), Open Software Foundation
distributed computing environment (OSF DCE), HP Network
Computing System (NCS), MIT X11, and OSF/Motif.
migration path to HP-UX--Customers will be able to protect
their investments without relicensing fees.
Host support
NetArchive contains the necessary device drivers to allow
the use of mass storage systems not normally supported by
the operating system. NetArchive software is currently
available for all workstation clients running Domain/OS
SR10.2 and later. When using NetArchive software HP optical
libraries may be hosted on any DN3500, DN4500, or DN5500
workstation with a Western-Digital multifunction controller
board. NetArchive supports HP rewritable optical disk
libraries Models 10, 20, 60, and 100.
Ordering information
Pricing for NetArchive is based on total storage space
managed in the network and starts at $7,000.
HP-UX and Sun/OS versions of NetArchive will be available by
For more information
Contact Randy Thorburn, Advanced Software Concepts, 2430
Vineyard Avenue, Suite 205, Escondido, California 92029 at
619-737-9544 or via fax 619-737-9432 or e-mail
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
High-end HP Asian system line printer
High-end HP Asian system line printer
Yasuhiro Kurahara/APC
For Asia Pacific only
Product name and P/N: HP Asian 600 l/min line printer (LP),
P/N C1205A
Description: extension to the HP Asian high-performance
system printer family
Target market: customers who need to produce a high volume
of copies (vouchers/slips printing and program listing)in
less time for EDP
P/N C1205A is capable of printing Asian characters at speeds
of up to 600 l/min in near-letter quality. It offers a
high-performance printing solution for HP's computer systems
in Asia. Customers in Asia now have a choice of two LPs,
P/N C1200A and new P/N C1205A.
Features and benefits
high performance--600 l/min is the most significant
performance feature in Asian character printing capability.
new support of BIG5 and CNS for traditional Chinese--Users
can choose one of three encodings--BIG5, CNS, and CCDC--
during printer setup.
P/N C1200A compatibility--P/N C1205A software is compatible
with the P/N C1200A printer. P/N C1200A users can easily
migrate to the HP C1205A.
Ordering information
| P/N Description U.S. list price |
| C1205A Asian 600 l/min LP $32,000 |
| Opt. 0E2 100-120-V power 0 |
| Opt. 0E3 200-240-V power 0 |
| Opt. AB0 Traditional Chinese 0 |
| Opt. AB1 Korean 0 |
| Opt. AB2 Simplified Chinese 0 |
| Opt. ABJ Japanese 0 |
| C1206A Ink ribbon 80 |
For more information
Contact Masahiko Takayama, Asian Peripheral Center, at
Telnet 365-2896 or via HP Desk at 3301/AS.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
New environmental packaging for HP LaserJet printer type
New environmental packaging for HP LaserJet printer type
Cindy Dwyer/BPR
HP LaserJet printer type accessories will exhibit new
environmental packaging. The old plastic and cardboard
clamshells that could not easily be recycled will be
replaced by recyclable cardboard boxes. The new boxes are
printed with vegetable-based inks and made from 100 percent
recycled fibers with a minimum of 35 percent post-consumer
waste. PostScript products, Type Director 2.5, and memory
boards currently come with this type of packaging. The
brightly colored new boxes for HP bitmapped font cartridges
and scalable typeface cartridges will appear fourth quarter.
PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc.,
in the U.S. and other countries.
------------------------- Start of Article -----------------------------
1;Computer News, September 15, 1992
HP LaserJet printer bitmapped soft fonts discontinuance
HP LaserJet printer bitmapped soft fonts discontinuance
Cindy Dwyer/BPR
Effective December 1, the last of the HP LaserJet printer
bitmapped soft fonts and a font management utility will be
| P/N Description |
| 33407B FontLoad, 5-1/4-inch disk |
| 33412DA Presentations/Letter Gothic soft font, 5-1/4-inch disk |
| 33412DC Presentations/Letter Gothic soft font, 5-1/4-inch disk |
| 33413DC Presentations/Letter Gothic soft font, 3-1/2-inch disk |
| 33412EA Prestige Elite soft font, 5-1/4-inch disk |
Stock adjustments and orders can be made through December 31.
There are no direct replacements for these products, but
they will be available through HP FAST (503-750-2407), HP's
build-to-order service for low-volume and other special type
products. HP FAST manufactures soft fonts and font
cartridges such as the old P/N 92286A-Z fonts when a
customer places an order. HP FAST offers a special discount
to authorized HP dealers.
For more information
Contact Cindy Dwyer at 208 or Telnet 323-4728.